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Our Expertise

"Employers have important responsibilities and are subject to standards of conduct as fiduciaries to act soley in the interest of plan participants and their beneficiaries, and with with exclusive purpose of providing benefits to them."
-U S Department of Labor, May 2013
Vendor Accountability

How can you tell which network, TPA, stop-loss carrier, and other service providers are providing the best value?


CWC provides cost-benefit analysis and impartial review of vendor invoices for accuracy.

Premium Equivalents

How much does it cost to administer the plan and pay claims? 

What should COBRA rates be?

How are costs changing year over year?


CWC utilizes data from all vendors and carriers to project costs and analyze trend for the upcoming plan year simplifying internal budgeting.

Claim Reserves

How much should the employer keep in reserves to pay for claims incurred within the policy period but have not been paid?


CWC has actuarial expertise to forecast claims incurred but not reported.

Specialized Reports

CWC customizes reports to assist with managerial decision-making. 


Reports can be specialized to quantify department or union group activity.  


Ad Hoc reporting is available to respond to specific requests.

Plan Design

Are the provider network and plan design meeting the employer's objectives?


CWC can analyze the employer's claim data to respond to this question.



Affordable Care Act Compliance

Is your client providing affordable coverage and minimum benefit value?  Will your client subject to the Cadillac Tax?


CWC can answer these questions as well as provide guidance and data to facilitate Employer Shared Responsibilty (Sections 6055 & 6056) Reporting.



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